Robbie Crabtree - How To Communicate Like A Pro
Key Takeaways
- Public speaking is a skill everybody should learn.
- We get one chance as we have bigger set of eyes on us to make an impact.
- It’s critical to figure out when’s the right time to speak.
- As a coach you need to be able to tell others what you did and how you did it, so others can learn and resonate with it.
- Sometimes when you been doing something for so long[as a coach], you take it for granted that something that seems easy to you is not easy to other people. Or people don’t always know what you know.
- If you watch a whole movie you should pay attention to that the most of the speaking is done very slowly, very calmly and very quietly.
- When quiet person says something, he gets the most attention. When somebody is speaking quietly, natural reaction is people want to hear it to what they’re saying.
- [Active Listening] When you listen your speaking, what you are saying is you matter. Same is applicable when you listen to what other people says. Pay attention to people. Stay focus on what other person says. Give them your time, your energy, your focus. And doing it so, all you are saying is they matters.
- Find people two or three steps ahead of you, watch what they do, read what they write, ask them for help, do the first two before last for better results.
- People are more than happy to give you their time, their energy which is jsut unbelievable.
- Walking away wins more arguments than words. Mindset of wanting to win any argument is detrimental in long terms. You may win the battle, but you will lose the war.
- It’s so interesteing when you put space between arguments and yourselves.
- If you can’t communicate your ideas, people can’t support them. If somebody else can communicate ideas better than you, they’re going to succeed ahead of you.
Listen : The Danny Miranda Podcast