Manny De La Cruz - Lessons For His 25-Year-Old Self
Key Takeaways
- If you just get one win and then put another win after that, it leads to a cycle of growth and leads you to improve yourself.
- Small wins - the way you feel about yourself
- Simple approach is often the best approach.
- Don’t worry about things you can’t control. You can control having right mindset, right attitude.
- If you can transform your circumstance which you can, if you can do that successfully, you become more successful than someone who’s naturally born with that thing that you want.
- You can be alone and not feel lonely.
- When you start viewing the world like that its like even the core on core challenges are there to benefit you, it leads you to allow yourself to just improve in every aspect.
- Lot of people get caught up in thinking that someone else is doing it that means you can’t. That holds lot of people back. Well, they are not doing it the way you’re going to do it.
- Every single action that you take is aligned with who you want to be.
- Just wanting to be better mentality - trying to know how much better you can get is the ultimate motivator in life.
- If you see someone who can resonate with, you can then take that as inspiration for your journey.
- Don’t be complacent, start taking big chances. Don’t even worry about failing. If you want to see any change, any growth, you have to be more aggresive mentality.
- Don’t shy away from taking chances. People in general are afraid of rejections and failures but it’s not as a big deal as you make it in your mind. Learn, Grown.
- Joy in celebration only lasts for a second, but if you enjoy the process and doing difficult things that lasts for as long as you continue on the journey.
- You can always do something to get better.
- Anything always sucks for 5 minutes, and then you get used to it. Hardest part of everyday was just the first step. Once you out there, it’s easy to stay in motion.
Listen : The Danny Miranda Podcast