Jose Rosado – Learning English, Mindset, & Haters
Key Takeaways
- You usually end up winning after several tries.
- It’s crazy how you can talk to someone now and they can be so much different and better version of themselves from years from now.
- Success - Having enough money to be able to spend it with your family without having to worry about money.
- Once you start doing something you realize that its not as hard as you thought it was. Two things happen - One: you realize how dumb it was to have that fear. Two: You get good (fast).
- Put away your fear, start taking actions. Only way to take actions is literally doing it.
- You already know what you need to do, what you need to accomplish. So just do it. No one else can do it for you.
- Question to ponder - One thing you’ve changed your mind on over last few years?
- Everyone likes to win, everyone loves being right. Once you realize that and understand that you become more open to listen to other people opinions.
- You can influence the future but you can not control it.
- Just by letting people know that they’re being mean, most of them will back out.
- Embarrassment is just the cost of an entry.
- Practice what you preach.
Listen : The Danny Miranda Podcast