Danny Miranda - The Journey From Darkness To Light
Key Takeaways
- Meditation practice: Commit to the goal, do it everyday for 30 days and then judge the results.Witness the thoughts as they come. Getting better each day.
- Meditation is reading your own thoughts.
- Instead of using time as opportunity to upset, use it for quality time forward.
- You get depressed, upset or anxious when there’s a difference between what you feel you’re capable of and what you’rea actually doing.
- Sticking with 75 hard program even when the program is over. Don’t let the standards you set for yourself slip away.
- Life’s version is to become the highest version of oneself and help others do the same to make the world happier, healthier and wiser.
- Align yourself with the purpose.
- Love is when you feel oneness (with thing, person..). Love is when you become one in any moment with someone or something.
Listen : The Danny Miranda Podcast