The Seasons of Life
Key Takeaways
- All of us, whether rich or poor, young or old, educated or not educated, are the sum total of all of those people and events that have touched us since entering the world.
- Every thought we’ve entertained has had it’s effect upon what we’re now.
- Do not allow your awareness of past difficulty or failures to adversely affect your current and future possibilities.
- Eating alone is better than mingling with those whose conversation in negative. Cancelling appointment is better than keeping the appointment with those who simply waste our time. Changing the coversation is better than prolonging a conversation designed to degrade someone.
- Each person entering a world brings either a contribution or a destruction.
- It is our natural destiny to grow, to succeed, to prosper, and to find happiness while we’re here.
- The lazy justify their voluntary lack of human progress. (lazy - those who give up in face of dfficulty, those who make less than a total commitment to any cause, calling or occupation, those who never ever try to advance their situation in life through effort.)
- Imagine a worl without contributions of those great men who overcame adversity with talent, desire and total determination to leave behind a world a slightly better than they found it.
- We all are belessed with all those raw materials necessary for progress, such as imagination, ideas, inspiration and undeveloped intellectual capacity.
- The only limitation placed on our abilities is our inability to easily recognize our unlimited nature.
- It takes efort to become aware of our staggering and limitless abilities. It does not, howeverm take effort to fail.
- It’s ironic that one of the few things in life that we have total control over is our own attitudes, and yet most of us live our entire life behaving as though we had no control whatsoever.
- In cycles and seasons of life, attitude is everything.
- For all of us, the only constant factor in life is our feelings and attitudes towards life.
- Exercize the discipline to plant in spite of the rocks, weeds, or other obstacles before us.
- Do the lillies hide beneath the cover of the earth, fearing an unexpected return of winter, or do they restrain themselves for fear of the coming bug and weeds of summer?
- Endure the circumstances and push aside the seasonal obstacles of rocks and hard-packed soil.
- The pain of discipline weighs ounces, and the pain of regret weighs tons.
- The thoughts, deeds, dreams, and efforts of today will provide tomorrow’s harvest.
- Life is designed to be a story of achivement in spite of adversity, not in the absence of adversity, for without adversity achievement could not exist.
- Reserve your greatest respect for yourself, for it is that image.. what you percieve yourself to be.. that determines the quality of lofe.
- One solution that will support you when people and events hurt you is to learn to work harder on your personal growth than anything else.
- Be aware that what you put into this world is what we get back from it.
- Don’t pray for things to be easier, rather, pray for more obstacles and more challenges, for it is out of these that man’s character and will to succeed are formed.
- It is in the face of adversity that things begin tochange, and the “things” always change as a result of the personal change that takes place.
- Our role of present, failures, or success is a temporary condition. Life is going to continue even though you may now be defeated.
- Be grateful for adversity.
The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn